Damage detection for elastic thin plate with four simply clamped edges based on curvature model difference 基于曲率模态差的四边固支薄板的损伤检测
The simplified numerical simulation of the rolling process from a flat plate into a single curvature plate. 用三辊机将平面钢板辊成单曲率板加工过程的数值模拟。
FEM Simulation and Analysis of Thick-plate Deformation Process in Twin-curvature Mould 厚板双曲率模冲压过程的数值模拟与分析
Based on the analysis of the relation of moment and curvature of prestressed concrete hollow slabs strengthened with CFRP plate, the moment and curvature of a specified section are given, namely, the curve of M-φ. 通过对CFRP板加固的预应力混凝土空心板弯矩-曲率关系的分析,得到指定截面的弯矩和相应的曲率,即M-φ关系曲线。
As the radius of an oceanic plate reaches the order of 103 kilometres, the curvature of the plate should be considered. 由于所考虑的大洋板块直径为10~3公里数量级,故必须考虑其曲率的影响。
This kind of robot can not only raise the efficiency of process a kind of plate with big curvature and small area consumedly, but also can raise the accuracy of it, so it can improve the automatization of the technology. 这种机器人不仅大大提高了船艏艉大曲率、小面积钢板的加工效率,而且也提高了其加工精度,从而大大提高了水火弯板成型自动化程度。
Anterior cervical spine locking plate used in single level cervical spondylotic myelopathy maintaining cervical curvature and height 颈前路带锁钢板对单间隙脊髓型颈椎病颈椎曲度及高度的影响
Finite Element Simulation Analysis of Plate Curvature During Medium Plate Rolling 中厚板轧制板坯弯曲的有限元模拟分析
On the basis of the structure and working mode of the disk spring, the author simplifies the spring as a bending thin plate model of large deflection with initial curvature, and obtains a new analytic solution for designing the spring. 从碟形弹簧的实际结构和工作方式出发,将其简化为具有初始曲率、大挠度薄板弯曲模型,得到了新的设计计算解析解。
The rigid plate deformational curvature method is one of the methods that studies structure extensional fracture and developed from the understanding base that the rock similar to rigid plate body only generates brittle fracture without plastic deformation while suffering external force. 刚性板体形变曲率法是基于岩石类似于刚性板体、在受外力作用时不发生塑性变形仅产生脆性断裂(裂缝)的认识基础上而发展起来一种研究构造张性裂缝的方法。
For plate cam mechanism with flat-faced follower, this paper derived the formula and the curvature expressions of cam convex profile curve, which can be applied to both translating follower and to oscillating follower. 针对平底从动件盘形凸轮机构,导出了同时适用于直动和摆动从动件的凸轮廓线综合公式及凸轮实廓外凸的条件式。
Analytical results show that if sufficient points for measuring the mode shapes of the plate are arranged, the damage, including its location and extent, can be or can approximately be detected from the curvature mode shapes or their changes due to the damage; 结果表明:当布置有足够数量的振型测点时,振型曲率及板损伤前后的振型曲率差均可用于板损伤的探测与定位,并能大致判断损伤的程度;
The analysis results provide fundamental basis for controlling the plate curvature. 这些分析结果对控制板坯弯曲提供了一定的理论依据。
This paper establishes a two-dimensional finite element model for rolling medium plates. The influence of pressing ratio, work roll speed, initial temperature of slabs, temperature difference across the thickness of slabs, acceleration systems of electric motors, etc, on plate curvature is analyzed. 建立了中厚板轧制的二维有限元模型,分析了压下率、轧辊转速比、板坯初始温度、板坯厚度方向的温度差以及电机的加速制度等对板坯弯曲的影响。
Through the pmma plate beam load test, the normal stress of each section is measured, the conclusion that the influence of the bending stress due to curvature variation along the beam width is correct has been verified. 通过有机玻璃的曲线板梁的荷载试验,测量了各个截面内外侧的正应力,验证了曲率沿梁宽变化对弯曲应力的影响是正确的。
Damage identification of plate structure was carried out by using peak of curvature change, neural network and modal strain energy method respectively. 分别应用曲率变化峰值、神经网络、模态应变能法对平板结构进行损伤识别。
When making finite element model of a whole ship, the outer plate of bow and stern which have a complex lines and curvature at two-way, are difficulties compared with the modeling of middle parallel body. it is the key position when modeling a whole ship. 在整船有限元建模时,艏艉段线型复杂,外板具有双向曲度,建模比平行中体部分困难,它是整船有限元分析建模的关键部位。
When the deck steel plate thickness increases, the maximum tensile stress and the maximum shear stress and the maximum relative displacement become small, the minimum curvature radius will become larger. 当桥面钢板板厚增大时,最大拉应力、最大剪应力、最大相对位移会变小,最小曲率半径会变大。